Monday 1 April 2013

Weekly Reading (01/04/13)

Last weeks reading was centred around focusing on where you want your path to go next, and detoxing anything from your life that has not been serving you- physically, emotionally, and collectively.
Personally, I gained a good bit of clarity on how i waould like the next chapter of my life to go.. I also worked on releasing all those toxic situations and people in my life, but maybe didnt do so well on the physical side of it with there being so much chocolate around this week! ;) I will be doing it this week though.

This week I am using Doreen Virtues beautiful Daily Guidance Cards. And the theme is running perfectly from last weeks.

The first card I have pulled is Release & Surrender. 
This card is telling you to release all your worries and stop trying so hard to control the outcome. 
I often tell people in private readings about the paradox of control- when you try really hard to have a situation work out in a particular way or when you worry hard about the outcome of a situation, then you are blocking off the outcome and therefore not in control of it. Yet, when you release the grip of the situation and the expectations of how the outcome will happen, then you are able to go with the flow of the process and follow the guidance & steps to the perfect outcome, which means you have perfect control of the situation.
 The Angels are urging you to stop worrying so much, to go with the flow of the process and to keep a lookout for the signs to follow.

The next card is Blessing in Disguise.
This follows on beautifully from the last card, as it is telling you to trust in the process again. 
While you are moving through life along your path, your life is interconnected and entwined with the lives of everyone else in the world, just like a big puzzle. Often we are presented with a problem or challenge that we feel is a blockage on our path. Sometimes it is a blockage that needs identified and dealt with from within, but often it is actually a blessing in disguise. 
When you are moving from A to B you might often feel that there is an obvious path to take to get there, ie that`s how it has always been done, or that`s the most obvious way to get to my goal.
 However, if you trust your intuition and follow the signs, the Angels and universe will bring you along a different route. One that is naturally intertwined with others as part of the big puzzle. Sometimes things have to fall apart to make room for something new, or you need to be in the right place at the right time for something good to happen. And when you finally reach B, you will realise that what appeared to be a problem along your path was actually a blessing in disguise.
 It has personally happened me many times. So again, they are urging you to trust in the process and trust in yourself.

The last card, for around the weekend is Go For It! Brilliant!
This card is telling you that you are on the right path. Trusting in the process and working with the Angels and your own intuition is keeping you on the right path. The angels are also showing me that this card is indicating that the changes that are happening right now are in order to gain some balance in your life and to make your life feel that bit more authentic and true to you and the collective world. 

What a great reading- a reminder of how important it is to trust in the process of life and trust yourself! Things always happen for a good reason and they will work out perfectly as long as you follow your instincts and dont worry or try too hard to control the situation. It is also perfectly connected with this weeks Positive Affirmation from My Magic Box-  "I am always going in the right direction" so if you feel your confidence or trust waver then say this affirmation as often as you can.

Much Love & Light, Debbie xo

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