Wednesday, 3 April 2013

MedGroup (03/04/13)


Weekly Meditation 3rd April `13

“I am always going in the best direction”
Brow/Third Eye Chakra

Brow Chakra (Third eye) for intuition
Crown Chakra for wisdom & knowledge

Amethyst- to calm the mind and help with sleep
Lapis Lazuli- for intuition
Labradorite- releases fears & insecurities. Calms the mind.
Flower essences- Rescue Remedy by Bach

Indigo for Brow Chakra

Haniel- will help to awaken our intuitive gifts.
Sandalphon- who carries prayers to Source/God.

Visualisation: Call on an angel to come before you with a golden sack. Put all your worries into the sack (people, things, situations, events etc) and let the angel take it away for transmutation into positive energy. 

Ganesha- to remove all obstacles on your path.
Vishnu- God of order, righteousness and truth.


Positive Affirmations:
I am always going in the best direction.
I trust the process of life. I easily go with the flow of life
I release & surrender all worries. I invite peace into my heart. All is well in my world right now.
I live in the moment. Right here, right now is all that there is.

Mudra for gaining Trust

Mudra for Brow Chakra

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