important to prepare yourself for a house clearing both mentally, physically
and energetically. This can be done in different ways:
GCCP: Ground, Centre, Connect and Protect. (See attached). During
a clearing you will be shifting all the energy that has been stored or stagnant
within each room, therefore it is advisable to carry out this routine prior to
a cleanse in order to protect your own energy from absorbing the energy you are
clearing out.
Meditation: Some meditation before a clearing is very useful
in getting you relaxed and connected in order to heighten your awareness of the
energy in the room. During your meditation is also the time to call on any
guardians, angels or guides to help with your clearing.
Set the Intention: Having a clear idea in your mind of what
you intend for the clearing will remove any fears and help you to remain
focused throughout.
Shower: It is a good idea to cleanse your body before a clearing
and definitely after a clearing as water is a natural purifier. Washing your
hands after a clearing is the very least you should do.
Wearing red: This can be useful to help you remain grounded
Moon energy: Using the Moon cycles to
pinpoint times for clearing and inviting new energy (see attached moon cycle).
Space Preparation:
Air: Open the windows to give the shifted energy somewhere to
go as well as allowing a breath of fresh air into the room.
Clean: Physically tidy and clean the room especially dusting
the corners.
Sense the energy: Have a walk around each room and take notice
of the energy. Use your 4 clairs to sense how the energy feels. (See attached
for the 4 clairs). Is it light or heavy? Are you intuitively drawn to any
particular areas? Do you feel any tingles? etc.. Energy is very often stored in
the corners of a room and within the walls and furniture especially stone
walls. You can use a pendulum to dowse the energy of the space especially if
you need to establish the presence of any entities (note you should consult an
experienced space clearer or medium for this).
Create a sacred circle: by placing 4 candles in each corner. Fire,
like water and earth will also purify the space as well as form a protective
circle. This is a good time to call on the Guardians or Angels of the four
directions to protect the space during the clearing. (see affirmations).
Onions: You can cut onions into quarters and set in the four
corners of the room to absorb energy.
Salt: Setting a bowl of salt in the centre of the room can
also absorb energy.
Affirmations can be used throughout each step of a clearing.
Here are a few examples:
While setting the intention you could affirm “I intend to
clear, cleanse and purify this house of all negative energy, and replace with
new, fresh, positive energy.”
As you physically tidy the room you could affirm “I bless
this ______(item) with love and thank it for its use. I tidy it safely away to
use another time”
During the clearing you could affirm “Cleanse this house and
make it clear, only good may enter here.” or “I bless this room with love” or “Out
with the old in with the new”
During the space prep as you light the candles you could
affirm “I call on the Guardian/Angel of the North to protect this space” and go
through each direction.
After the clearing when you are inviting new energy into your
home you could affirm “All that is fine now appear, know that you are welcome
here.” and “I invite ________(peace, loving relationship etc) into this space.
Make this house your home and I will be grateful in return. And so it is”
Crystals: There
are many crystals that may be useful throughout each stage of your clearing. You
may wish to use Selenite to help absorb negative energy. You might wear Tigers
Eye to help you remain grounded throughout. You might also use crystals during
your Invitation stage eg Rose Quartz in the bedroom for harmonious
relationships or placed according to your Feng Shui Bagua. Cleanse and charge
your crystals and set their intention before using. (see attached).
Clearing the Space:
During the clearing you can call on
the angels to help, especially Archangel Michael and the Band of Mercy.
“Through the authority invested in me
by the Cosmic Christ Consciousness, I deliberately call forth to the energy of
the Archangel Michael and the **Band of Mercy to enter the home, body, car and
place of work of _____________ to remove all negative influences and entities. I
ask that these energies and entities be taken into the light for transmutation
and that there be no negative side effects physical, mental or emotional to ___________`s
body. I ask that ____________`s body now be triple sealed (visualise the person
in three bubbles of light, purple, pink and white) against any further invasion
of negative forces.”
**The Band of Mercy is a group of
Angels whose job it is to move lost souls out of the astral plane.
Call on the Archangel Jophiel who is the `Feng Shui Angel` the angel of beautiful surroundings.
Call on the Archangel Jophiel who is the `Feng Shui Angel` the angel of beautiful surroundings.
Sound: Using
sound will shift energy. Clapping your hands loudly around the whole room especially
into the corners is advised. You could also use a Gong or a Tibetan Singing Bowl
or Tingshas for a smaller space.
Sage/Incense: Burning
white sage has traditionally been the most effective way to clear a space. Waft
it around the room especially into corners. You may wish to use a feather to do
this. Burning Incense will also help to disinfect a space. You could also burn
or spray Essential oils such as Lavender.
Symbolism/Reiki: Reiki symbols are a powerful way to empower your space clearing if you
are a Reiki Practitioner.
Inviting in new energy:
After you have cleared your space you
should take time to notice how the energy in the room now feels. Notice any
spots that still heavy or not right and redo them.
Then you should spend time inviting
in new energy, You can use various tools for this.
Colour: You
could decorate the room or an altar with different coloured objects, ribbons, candles, flowers, paintings etc to invite in a
particular quality. (see colour chart attached).
Feng Shui: You
could do some basic feng shui if you cant consult an expert. Notice the
physical space, the furniture layout and how the energy might flow into and
around the room. Take note of how mirrors are reflecting the energy and the
positioning of plants and crystals to absorb energy for example near electronics.
Use objects and symbolism within each room eg if you are trying to invite in
love place a statue of a loving couple in the bedroom, make sure there are no
pictures of lone ladies etc. Use affirmations to state what you are inviting
into each space eg in the kitchen “I invite warm homely get togethers with
nutritious meals”. You could use an easy feng shui bagua to pinpoint the areas
of the house.
Sound: Harmony
balls are a beautiful way to introduce new energy into a room.
Closing down the ritual:
Remove onions or salt and dispose.
Thank your guides and angels.
Close down the sacred circle and blow
out your candles.
Cleanse your crystals.
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