GCCP- Ground, Centre, Connect, Protect your energy
Exercise: Feeling The Flow of Your Energy
Place your hands palm to palm.
Briskly rub your hands together. Now, slowly begin to move them apart. As you
do this, focus on the sensations in your palms.
Do you feel a tingling? A heat? A slight pressure? If not, try rubbing
your hands together again and closing your eyes, to filter out distractions. When you feel something, slowly, move your
hands apart to see how long you can maintain the recognition of the physical
Congratulations! You have experienced the first step towards
working with your personal energies. Don't be alarmed or discouraged if you
felt little or nothing the first time. Many people have to practice for quite
some time before they have discernible, physical sensations.
Grounding- Close your eyes and imagine strong
energy roots coming from your feet down into the earth, connecting you with
nature and grounding you. Push the roots deep down into the centre of the
earth. Allow the beautiful earthy energy to travel back up through the roots to
fill your entire body with all the valuable nutrients and power from nature.
Tell yourself “I am grounded”.
Centering- Now bring your attention to your
solar plexus chakra, just above your abdomen. Visualise the little golden
yellow whirlpool of this chakra now
acting as a magnet to pull all your scattered energies from the day back to you.
Visualise your aura, the energy field emanating out from you, being pulled in closer to your physical body.
Bring it in nice and close and tell yourself
“I bring all my energy back to me”.
Now bring your attention to your forehead, and imagine there is a closed eyelid
just like your physical eyes. This is your Third Eye. Visualise this eyelid
opening just the same way as your physical eyes do. Visualise the deep blue
chakra here spinning and pulling in all the information you need into your
Third Eye. Tell yourself “Everything I need to know is revealed to me”.
Now bring your attention to the top
of your head, your crown chakra- a lovely little violet light spinning just
above your head. Think about where you
believe to be the centre of the universe, source, God, whatever you perceive it
to be. From that centre visualise a strong pillar of bright white light coming
down into your crown chakra (the top of your head), imagine it pouring down
into your head filling you with fresh energy. Tell yourself “I am connected to
the Divine”
(NB- Remember to close down the Chakras and Third Eye if
overwhelmed and at night).
Now visualise your aura, your energy field that is emanating from your
body. Surround your aura in a shield of
light, a deep blue, strong shield of light. Only love gets through this shield
of light. You can also surround this further with a sparkling gold shield that
`zaps` away unwanted energies- use what works best for you. Tell yourself “ I
am protected. Only love gets through”.
Closing down the chakras
Bring your attention back to your
forehead, your brow chakra, the indigo light spinning, I want you to imagine it
closing down to normal function, to the size of a little fairy light. Bring
your attention to the top of your head, your crown chakra, the violet light
spinning. And imagine it too closing down to normal function, the size of a
fairy light.
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