Tuesday 25 February 2014

Anahata (Heart) Chakra

Anahata (Heart) Chakra

Meaning:   “I LOVE”



Mantra/Chant/Sound: YAM

Function: Heart Centre. Issues of the heart. Love. Giving and Receiving. Relationships. Passion. Love for yourself and others. Unconditional love. Compassion. Patience. Kindness. Forgiveness. Generosity. Peace.  

Life Development/7 year cycle: 22-28 years and 71-77 years

Endocrine Gland: The glands of the endocrine system provide a chemical communication network that controls a large number of physiological processes. The chemical messengers are known as hormones. The Heart Chakra governs the Thymus Gland which is concerned with the bodys Immune System.

Colour: Green. Pink.

Essential Oils: Rose. Neroli. Melissa.

Crystals: Peridot. Rose Quartz. Watermelon tourmaline.

Yoga Pose: Cobra. Fish Pose.

Underactive Heart Chakra
*Symptoms: Loneliness. Suspicion. Neediness. Possessiveness. Jealousy. Not able to connect well in relationships. Not able to find loving relationship. Resentful. Not caring. No compassion for others. Isolation.
*Restore: Plums, cherries, strawberries. brown rice, couscous, greens. Green or pink crystals. Metta (loving-kindness) Meditation.

Overactive Heart Chakra
*Symptoms: While there is no real danger in having your heart wide open with no barriers, and no such thing as too much love and compassion, an overactive Heart Chakra may lead to being taken advantage of if you are not able to stand in your own power. With great love comes risk and a certain amount of vulnerability.


“I love and approve of myself.” “I am loving, I am loved, I am Loveable.” “It is safe for me to love and be loved with an open heart.” “I easily forgive others and I forgive myself.” “I give out love and joy and find it wherever I turn.”

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