Monday, 20 May 2013

Weekly Reading (20/05/13)

Last weeks reading reminded us of the need to keep our thoughts positive!

For this weeks reading I have used the Life Purpose Deck from Doreen Virtue.

The first card is Leadership which is telling us that there is a need to take charge of a situation this week, whether its a particular challenge that you are facing or the route of your life path in general. The Angels are guiding you to be confident in taking control of your life. 

The guidance that the Angels are giving you to help take leadership is to Practice. As the old saying goes, Practice makes Perfect, and devoting a little time every day can help to perfect and polish the skills you have. If there is a skill, hobby or interest that you would like to be doing in your life, then now is the time to take charge and start practicing to turn your dreams into reality.

The Angels are encouraging you in the background by giving you little reminders that You`re on the Right Path. Dont doubt yourself, because the passion behind your dreams will help you to move forward. They will help with the action steps, you only need to follow the guidance, and they will help you to devote your time and energy to this endeavour.   

The outcome is beautiful Freedom. Free to do what you love doing, and free to express yourself in the way that is unique for you. Free to live the life you choose, and Free to make all the decisions because you are the one in charge of your own life. 

This a lovely reading, where you are being guided to be authentic and take charge of your hopes and dreams to bring them into reality through practicing your skills. The Affirmation from My Magic Box ties in very nicely with this, "I am good at waiting" reminds us that all experts start out as novices, and all flowers start out as a seed. When we have patience, we can nurture our dreams into reality.
Love & Light, Debbie xo

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