Tuesday 25 February 2014

Svadisthana (Sacral) Chakra

 Svadisthana (Sacral) Chakra

Meaning:   “I FEEL” 



Mantra/Chant/Sound: Vam

Function: Emotional Connection. Sensuality, Creativity, Enthusiasm. Feelings. Joy. Governs your emotional body and your physical and emotional feelings and senses. Associated with sexual energy (not the sex organs but the creativity, drive for  life-sustaining energy, reproduction). The centre of self-expression and joy- assimilation of sexual expression and food, ideas and creativity.  Giving and receiving love in all kinds of relationships, relationships motivation. Urinary system/kidneys.
The Sacral and Root chakra act as the recycling bin of the energy field. They return to the earth any negative emotional energies and `toxic waste` that the other chakras cannot deal with.

Life Development/7 year cycle: 8-14 years and 57-63 years

Endocrine Gland: The glands of the endocrine system provide a chemical communication network that controls a large number of physiological processes. The chemical messengers are known as hormones. The Adrenal Glands are governed by the Sacral Chakra which produce the hormones that activate the body under stress. Being in the `fight or flight` response often can affect this chakra.

Colour: Orange.

Essential Oils: Sandalwood, Jasmine, Rose, Ylang Ylang

Crystals: Fire Opal to stimulate creativity & remove blockages. Carnelian, orange calcite. Emerald (or other greens to calm).

Yoga Pose: Twisting triangle.

Underactive Sacral Chakra
*Symptoms: Feeling unloved, especially during childhood. Afraid of positive sensations, denying sensual pleasure. Stifled creativity. Over-protectiveness, Jealousy. Inability to receive love.
*Restore: Meditate on opening this chakra. Wear orange, use crystals. Eat foods- chocolate, honey, pastas, wine, bread and butter, fruits bananas, watermelon, pears. Sensory input- music, art, flowers.

Overactive Sacral Chakra
* Putting up defences to true feelings, Promiscuity. Emotional attachment to others. Excessive greed. Addictions. Losing touch with your feelings. Over emotional.
*Restore: Meditate on restoring the chakra to normal function. Wear green or green crystals. Avoid above foods.

“My feelings are healthy. My body seeks only genuine and healing pleasures that are healthy and balanced.  My Sacral Chakra is functioning normally. I feel good.”

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