Tuesday 25 February 2014

Muladhara (Root) Chakra

Muladhara (Root/Base) Chakra

Meaning:   “I am”  “The support of the root”,  “The keeper of the beginning”,
                                 “The bearer of the foundation”



Mantra/Chant/Sound: Lam

Function: Maintaining the physical body, instinct of shelter and food, life-force energy, connection to the Earth and material world, security, protection, grounding, stabilizing, self-confidence, trust, initiating new beginnings, sensuality, sexuality, lust, obsession, reproduction.

Life Development/7 year cycle: 0-7 years and 50-56 years

Endocrine Gland: The glands of the endocrine system provide a chemical communication network that controls a large number of physiological processes. The chemical messengers are known as hormones.  The endocrine glands associated with the Base Chakra are the Ovaries and Testes. These glands control sexual development, sex drive and fertility.

Colour: Red. Wear red to stimulate this chakra. Wear blue to calm this chakra.

Essential Oils: Patchouli, Myrrh, Cedarwood.

Crystals: Red Jasper, Hematite and Tigers Eye for grounding. Emerald to calm.

Yoga Pose: Warrior, Triangle, Eagle.

Underactive Base Chakra
*Symptoms: Self-neglect. Weakness, Depression, Passivity, Feeling stuck, Lethargy, Insecure, Lower back pain, Problems with the legs and feet. 
*Restore: Eat red fruit and vegetables. Wear red. Meditate on opening this chakra.

Overactive Base Chakra
*Symptoms: Over emphasising basic survival needs. Materialistic. Paranoia, Aggression, Mania, Nervousness, Fear, Addictions, Promiscuity, Skin conditions such as psoriasis and angry red eczema.
*Restore: Avoid red foods (particularly hot food like chills and spices). Wear blue. Meditate on restoring the chakra to normal function.

Positive Affirmations:

“I am balanced. I am safe, secure and healthy. All my needs are taken care of. My Base Chakra functions properly. I am grounded."

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