Wednesday 22 January 2014

About Chakras

About Chakras

The Energy Field/Aura
We are not just our physical bodies, we are mutli-dimensional beings made up of the mind, the physical body and the spirit. Just as Einstein taught us, everything in the universe is made up of energy, from our bodies to the table, to the air we breathe, to colours and music. Even our thoughts are energetic vibrations that can be measured via EEG (electroencephalogram). Everything in the universe has its own energetic vibration. Energy cannot be destroyed, it can only change form therefore we are living in a big soup of energy that is formed, reformed and recycled, and ever expanding. 
We are `light energy` beings also known as a Spirit or a Soul, living within a `heavy energy` physical body. We have a `life force` or energy flowing through us. There are different cultural and religious names for this energy force- in Yoga it is known as Prana, in Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Feng Shui it is know as Chi, and Christians call it Holy Spirit.
 The electromagnetic energy field surrounding us is often know as the Aura, and has a number of layers with different purposes including a memory of everything that has ever happened to us. Just as each human being is unique and individual, so is their Aura. Though there may be similarities, no two are exactly the same. Each person's Aura vibrates within their own frequency at different levels of strength and intensity. Because the Aura constantly gives off and absorbs energy, it can also be affected and reacts to other energies and frequencies. Such as another person's Aura, where exchanges of energy take place all day, with everyone you meet. The Aura is how we perceive the world around us other than through our 5 senses, so it is our sixth sense as such. The Aura can now be photographed.

What are the chakras?
The energy field emanating from us has many energy centres known as the Chakras, each one having a unique function, and these extend out into our full energy body known as the aura. These chakras are like spirals and spin just like whirpools, pulling in or sending out information. These little wheels of light all have a specific purpose, name and colour. Our chakras can become depleted, unbalanced, and malfunction, and a chakra meditation can help to restore and renew one or all of the chakras. Every chakra has a specific colour and sound frequency, so meditating on either colour or sound (see chanting) can  heal and energise the chakras. Each Chakra correlates to levels of consciousness, developmental stages of life, colors, sounds, body functions, endocrine glands and much more.

The 7 main chakras or energy centres are:
Muladhara or Base/Root Chakra
Svadisthana or Sacral Chakra
Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra
Anahata or Heart Chakra
Vishudda or Throat Chakra
Ajna or Brow/Third Eye Chakra

Sahasrara or Crown Chakra

How to tune into the chakras
There are many ways to tune into the chakras. You can practice tuning into your own chakras and also practice tuning into a friends. Tuning into other peoples chakras is sometimes easier because of the contrast of their energy to yours. Your energy field can pull in the information in various ways-

*Using a Pendulum- dowsing a chakra will clearly give evidence of how the chakra is spinning. Practice on a friend holding the pendulum over the chakras. When working with chakras always start at the base. The pendulum should spin along with the energy of the chakra indicating how open or closed the chakra is. In my own experiences the chakras will usually spin in alternate clockwise and anticlockwise direction, but some therapists would say they are all supposed to spin clockwise.

*Clairvoyance- keeping your eyes open and focusing on the areas can help you to physically see the chakras. Just like when trying to see the aura it is a good idea to `fuzzy focus` by closing the eyes a little and relaxing the gaze- trying too hard can interfere.  Another way to see the chakras is by seeing them in your minds eye. Practice on yourself by closing your eyes and bringing your awareness to one of the chakras. You could also place your hands over the area. You may be able to see in your minds eye any movement or colours.

*Clairsentience- Being able to physically feel the chakras. When you were a child did you experiment with feeling the energy between two stones as you rubbed them together? Or when you feel the static from a balloon or shopping trolley? With practice, the chakras can be felt with the hands. If you tune into someone else chakra you can also practice sensing what their chakra feels like by feeling it within your own body. For example if you place your hands over their Solar Plexus Chakra and tune in, you might feel a pull or movement within your own Solar Plexus.

*Claircognisance- this is a `knowing` or sensing of how the chakras are. Close your eyes and bring your awareness to the chakra, placing your hands over the chakra will help too. Your energy field should just bring in the information into your mind about the chakra.  

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