Monday 7 October 2013

Meditation- Letting Go & Forgiveness

Letting Go & Forgiveness
You may need to let go of/forgive:
- a particular situation or event.
- something you have done that you feel bad about.
- something that someone else has done to hurt you.
- or perhaps all three..
 It can be something from the past, or the present or a future worry.

The Aura & Energy System
    The Aura is the energy field that emanated out from us and surrounds us. It stores information about the persons health, emotions, spiritual connection, and the past and future events. The Aura is how we perceive the world around us other than through our 5 senses, so it is our sixth sense as such. Within the aura there are many energy centres called Chakras that spin and pull in or send out information. they all have a specific purpose, name and colour. This is called our energy system. This energy system `stores` our personal information, and can have blockages and imbalances that manifests as illness or emotional difficulties, especially if we cant let go of something and hold it within our energy system.
   Einstein described the Universal Energy System as E=Mc2 which means Energy=Everything. From the air we breathe to the chair we sit on, to our bodies and our thoughts. The Universe is a big soup of energy all formed into different people and things. Everything is made up from scientific elements (the periodic table you might remember from school), which is broken down into molecules then quarks then pure energy. All energy has a specific frequency or vibration. People are light energy beings or spirits/souls/consciousness, within a heavy energy physical body, and energy cannot be destroyed, it can only change form. Spirituality and science can essentially be described as one and the same thing.

Energy Cords & Connection with Others
We are all generally connected to each other and to everything in the world, hence the spiritual saying `we are all one`.
 When two people are in close proximity they can pick up on each others aura, and `read` each other on an energetic level. Lots of other information about the world can be perceived through the energy system.. any time that you get a bad or good feeling about someone or something this is your aura telling you what is happening. Trust it, it is also known as your intuition or instincts. You may also be able to sense through the aura if you are on the same or different wavelength as someone. When you are on a different wavelength to someone, it doesn’t disconnect you or necessarily make you alien to each other. Most times it just means that you are on a different level. Your level is right for you and their level is right for them. However if the hairs on your neck and arms begin to stand you can be sure that you are sensing that the person is different in a way that might threaten your well-being. Trust it.
      When we have an energy connection to something or someone it can be either empowering or draining. You will know of someone who lifts your energy or spirits when you spend time with them, and you will also know of someone who drains your energy when you are near, we often nickname these people `energy vampires`. So when we are interacting with others on a normal level, we are also interacting on an energy level that can be very subtle.
      There are little energy cords (usually not seen) that run from your Solar Plexus Chakra and are attached to other people, things and situations. These cords have been described by anyone who can see them as fine, silvery, shimmery, grey, wire-like. Many people who have experienced NDE (near death experience) have seen these cords and have explained that they are formed when we have interactions with others. There is a saying that a relationship is formed with every single person we meet- even if it is only a momentary interaction such as a quick chat at the bus stop. Every interaction with another causes an effect to take place. People with NDE have described seeing the cords connecting between themselves and the doctors and nurses as they float out of the body and observe events as spirit/light energy.
     Therapists that work with the energy of the body (such as Reiki) can often sense the cord connections around the Solar Plexus Chakra. There are many descriptions & sayings for this cord that you may recognise but never really thought about before- a bond/strengthening the bond, the ties that connect you, feeling tied, feeling attached to someone etc. When a bond is formed, the strength of the cord and the connection is dependent on the person(s) involved. A brief interaction that isn’t so meaningful will dissolve upon leaving each others space. If someone has had some kind of an impact on you, positively or negatively, the bond may stay longer until you `let it go`.  The cord can be very strong if it is connected with someone you have regular connection with, eg your family and close friends will have strong bonds. Children are very good at draining us of our energies! Sometimes we have bonds with people that we don’t see that often and as soon as we meet up the cord is strengthened once again.
     We also have bonds with situations, issues, events, places, memories and objects. Buddhists practice a way of living known as `Detachment` . They do not attach their happiness and well-being to other people, objects, events etc. We often place conditions on our happiness, that we will only be happy when a particular event happens, or when we receive something we have need. The problem with attachment is that we are never done, when we are satisfied with one thing we place our happiness on the next condition that we attach to. Being attached to a particular outcome can often leave us feeling disappointed or unsatisfied.
 All attachments can also be empowering or draining. It is therefore very useful to let go of those attachments that are not good for you, whether it is a past event, or someone in your life that has hurt you.
Therefore, we forgive and let go for ourselves and our own inner peace, and to become detached from the problem. It is much like an energy detox!

Forgiveness does not mean condoning the behaviour of ourselves or others, it just means letting go and allowing inner peace. “Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to ide” ~Buddha. Everyone has a different perspective on life depending on personal life experience and beliefs. We are all on our own journey here on earth, with our own intended purposes making our own mistakes, and learning or not from them. We are sharing the path with each other along the way and affecting each others journey both directly and indirectly. Sometimes another person`s actions can affect us in a way that leaves us hurt or angry. It can be hard in situations like this to remain objective and detached, yet practicing detachment from the actions of someone else can help us to overcome what has happened and not take it so personally. After all, their actions are their own journey and problem. We can only take responsibility for our own actions and responses. It is essential though that we recognise our emotional response and allow ourselves to feel our emotions deeply and work through them. When we suppress an emotion or continue to ruminate over an issue for a long time, it can have a detrimental effect on our well-being. We should feel the emotion, look at all the underlying reasons and emotions that surround it, then learn from the experience in order to let it go and move on. A memory usually has a particular emotion attached to it. Just as a smell can trigger a memory, a memory can trigger an emotion. It can be very useful to try and change the emotion attached to the memory. Try replacing the negative emotion with a more positive, healing one. For example, if it makes you feel angry that someone disrespected you, replace it with feeling pity for the person to be that way and wishing them to be more respectful to others in future. Another example, If you are feeling guilty about something that you did, replace the emotion with feeling okay that you made a mistake, we are all human, and you have learned from it and wouldn’t repeat it.  

Cord-Cutting Exercise
Sometimes all that is needed to detach is to make the decision to do so. Other times, it is much more difficult to let go. A powerful way to detach is through cutting the cord.
Ensure you have no distractions. Find a quiet area and get comfortable, the same way as if you were to meditate. Relax yourself in any way that suits, through a meditation or some soothing music. Picture in your mind what it is that you wish to detach from- a person or situation, or even an emotion that you are trying to let go of. Visualise it right in front of you and `see` the energy cord that connects you. Imagine that you lift up a big pair of golden scissors and cut through the cord. Sometimes it takes more than one attempt if the bond is strong, and sometimes it can take a stronger visual than just scissors! Use whatever gives you the feeling of power and control- it is your (energetic) intention of dissolving the cord that will dissolve it in reality. The stronger your decision to detach for your own worth and well-being, the easier it will be to dissolve. Once the disconnection has been made, surround the person, situation etc in healing light (blue, green or white). Bless them/it with love and wave goodbye and watch them turn and walk away. Bless yourself with love now and surround yourself with healing and protective light (dark blue). If the issue was from the past especially in childhood, it is a great idea to visualise yourself as you were back then and imagining that you as you are now, giving yourself a big hug and telling yourself that you are going to be ok, you are loved.
  People have often commented after the exercise that they physically felt a sensation or pull around the Solar Plexus area. The situation or person should now automatically begin to fade from your life. You need do nothing more, it will work itself out now.  Allow yourself to feel the release and enjoy the inner peace.

Positive Affirmations for Forgiveness
“I easily forgive myself and others”
“I lovingly forgive myself. They are free and I am free. All is well in my heart now.”
“I release the past with love. I easily forgive. The past is over. They are free and I am free.”
Usual indicators of guilt:   Pain, Middle back pain, Injuries/cuts, Insomnia, Neuralgia, Anal Itching or pain, Bug Bites. (Louise L Hay- You Can Heal Your Life)
Usual indicators of unforgiveness:  Kidney/urinary problems, Abscesses, Bad Breath, Growths. (Louise L Hay – You Can Heal Your Life)                


 ©Copyright- Debbie Freebird (Guiding Light)     

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